common grace, general revelation, and pigs in the hills

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go away for a few days with two of my good friends, Jonathan and Rick. I've been hearing about this really cool pig hunt up at beautiful Tejon Ranch, about an hour north of LA. Rick and Jonathan had both been before and had taken pigs. So I signed up. We went up on Friday and we might as well have driven to the face of the moon. Cell phones don’t work, email is non-existent in the hills behind the large gate guarding the ranch. You drive in and suddenly all that matters is finding the black dots on the hills and getting close enough to shoot. Through the weekend, we enjoyed great fellowship together as we exhausted ourselves tromping up and down the mountains looking for wild pigs. It just doesn’t seem right to have pigs living in the hills. I’m from Alabama where pigs live in the swamps. But sure enough, they’re there, and lots of them. I’ve never experienced a hunting trip quite like this one. If you’re ever in Southern California and looking for a unique adventure, check out the Pig-O-Rama!

As I was there and enjoying the beauty of the surroundings, I had the words of Psalm 19 resounding in my brain over and over again. How beautiful this place is! It has the thumbprint of God upon it. As I sat back and enjoyed this, I became somewhat frustrated with myself that I don’t recognize general revelation in my normal environment. Gravity, the warmth of the sun, and the human body itself all scream that there exists an eternal, omnipotent God who displays these invisible attributes everyday, to everyone. My heart can be so calloused to the commonness of general revelation.

So I come back from a weekend away refreshed, reminded, sore, and with a few pounds of pig!

1 comment:

amesfam said...

so when do we eat?