Bringing a Smile

Monday, March 26, 2007

We had a minsitry day for our JH students this past Saturday to visit some of our members who are no longer able to come to church. It was a great day. We were able to see some precious saints who have served the Lord so faithfully for many, many years. They were so excited about our coming. As Mrs. Annie was telling us, "you don't think about people whose health is fading until your own starts to fail." Annie served in the GCC nursery for 43 years, every Sunday. Hardly a child has come through Grace that she hasn't held in her arms. What an example of faithfulness! She is a precious saint who served so well for so long. It is a privilege to go to her and share just a fraction of the joy that she has shared with so many over the years. I was reminded that these folks live in a lonely world. They can't get around like they would like to and many if not most of them have lost their spouses. I was reminded of the essence of genuine religion as James puts it, to visit orphans and widows in their distress.

I pray that God would give us future opportunities to minister to these beloved folks.

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