You don't have to be smart, pretty, fashionable, athletic, or popular to be useful to God.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Do you ever feel intimidated spiritually? You think that God has so many qualified people. Most people are smarter than me, better spoken, better looking, and better suited to do the Lord’s work. 

If you think that way, repent. God isn’t running a cosmic version of “Christians Got Talent” in order to find representatives. That’s never been his style. God uses the weak and base things and people of the world. In our student ministry meeting last night, we looked at an overview of some of the unlikely heros of God’s redemptive story. God used a man who was a poor public speaker to lead a nation out of captivity (Moses), he used an exiled teenager (Daniel) to stand up for Him in the midst of complete paganism, he used a young teenage girl to birth Jesus, and he turned a zealous persecutor of the church into one of the the chief authors of the NT and the most influential theologian to ever live (Apostle Paul).

When we see stories like this, we are reminded of God's absolute sovereignty, even in whom He chooses to employ into His plans. It should be noted also that He doesn't always even need willing participants. He used a group of angry and vindictive religious leaders to spear head the efforts to kill His son and ultimately bring redemption. He used an unbelieving King named Cyrus. He once used a donkey to speak to a prophet. 

These examples remind us that it is a profound privilege to be employed at ANY level in God's purposes. 

What is the take away from this? Don’t fall into the trap that someone else will do the work you know you need to do. Be obedient to what you know. Step out and stand strong for God. Find someone today and talk about Jesus. Find a believer to encourage. Find someone to serve. Take some time to find yourself satisfied in God and live in joy resting in HIS power, not your abilities. Beg God to be honored in your life. Confess sin quickly; fight temptation and look for ways to renew your thinking in Christ.

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