Why Adopt?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Recently I had to fill out a questionnaire for something related to our adoption. One of the questions was simply, why do you want to adopt? Since we've been in this process for over a year now, it's been a while since I really stopped to think about that question.

I'm sure there are many questions that have swirled around since we announced that we'll be adopting. Most people wonder if there is a medical reason we cannot have more children. That's not the case. In fact (at risk of being misunderstood), we're not necessarily adopting because we want to have more children (obviously we're thrilled to be adding to our family!!). Our desire to adopt roots itself in our adoption into God's family. I was adopted as His child not because of my worth, pedigree, or DNA. He adopted me because He loved me. 

The Bible places a high priority on caring for those who are unable to care for themselves. James 1.26-27 is the classic passage on the essence of genuine religion (Christianity). It is to care for orphans, widows, and the keep oneself pure. The point clear: a Christian is one who cares for those who can't repay. First century orphans and widows were among the most destitute of categories. Christians don't just serve people who have hefty bank accounts or some admirable status in the world. James will talk about this also explicitly in chapter 2.

I don't think every Christian has to adopt to be godly, but I think many should consider it. The question is not have you adopted or not, or do you care for a particular widow or not, the question is do you serve others with no expectation for return on your efforts? Adopting a child for my family doesn't mean lifetime obedience now achieved to James 1. It's simply something we want to do as our thinking has been informed by the Bible.

We have the privilege of offering a home to one who would not have a home. This little girl will hear the gospel. I pray our adoption will serve as a picture of the gospel as we open our home someone not of our flesh. 

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