This is a copy of our bulletin article for this week.
Those first days of having a bank account are filled with little life lessons. Many learn the hard way that just because you have a checkbook or a bank card doesn’t mean you have money. Banks offer a service for just such a person, it’s called overdraft protection.
Unfortunately, I think we often think of God’s grace and forgiveness like overdraft protection. We sin and God gives us some grace to cover that sin. We sin again and we get a little more grace to cover this new round of sin. The picture of God’s forgiveness isn’t that. You see, all overdraft protection does is bring us back to zero.
God has done so much more than zero our account. He has imputed the righteousness of Christ to our account. Unlimited, perfect righteousness is now available. He hasn’t just fixed our puny accounts, it is more like handing us the account number for a treasure that is better than FDIC insured. This treasure was secured by the sacrifice of Jesus and is guaranteed by God Himself (2 Cor 5.21).
Some will say if we have such forgiveness already secured by grace, then why bother with holiness and obedience? Why not just continue in sin? Paul anticipates and blasts this response to God’s grace. Romans 6.1 and 6.15 respond in the same manner: “May it never be!” In the original language, this is the strongest possible way of saying, “No Way!” If being forgiven and having Christ’s righteousness doesn’t stir your heart and create a desire for purity, you are either seriously deceived as to your standing with the Lord or you have allowed sin to cloud your thinking.
Allow your mind to mediate on the gospel again today. Don’t become cold and indifferent to the precious treasure that has been given to those who believe. Be reminded of your sin, then remind yourself quickly of His grace.
Isaiah 43.25 “I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins.
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