JH Sermon

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our Jr. High ministry is studying Acts on Sunday mornings. As we encounter cities that Paul later writes back to, we've been taking some time to over those epistles. We found ourselves last week in Thessalonians. It was a fun study for me, and I hope beneficial to the hearers.

Here is the first part.

1. Look for Evidences of Grace in the Past (1.1-3.13)
~ Paul begins this letter by referencing the many evidences of grace that he knows to the true in the Thessalonican believers. He fears the worst, that they have fallen away or been swayed by false teachers. He is elated when Timothy returns to him with the positive report. Paul writes back to them to share his excitement and exhort them to keep going.

A. Works - Their work of faith and labor of love are clear to all.
B. Discipleship - They become imitators of Paul and the missionaries receiving the truth amidst much persecution. This is a microcasm of how the Christian life works. We watch someone who is ahead of us. Just like anything in life, we need teachers. Paul in another place would say to follow him as he follows Christ.
C. Evangelism - The word sounded forth all throughout the region. This required not only their stellar example, but bold proclomation. Just being an example isn't enough - we must tell people the message of Christ!
D. Repentance - They turned from idols. They lived in a polytheistic society. Most of us are not today turning from the same type of idols, but we are definitely turning from idols. We all must turn from idols of the heart. There must be a before and after picture. Is there anything that you love more than Christ? Is there anything that you would not give up for Christ? Christ said that such a man was not worthy to be called a disciple.
E. Perseverance - Paul hears that the believers had kept on after receiving the Word. This is how believers respond. They will persevere. They will endure, they will stick with God despite tough circumstances.

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