Busy Days

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Gotta love summer and youth ministry.

The last few weeks have been insane with no real end in sight. We had a ministry camping trip last week, followed by a Staff Party Monday night, a Beach Day on Tuesday, a Family Cookout on Wednesday night and then I'm flying out early Thurs morning to teach at a camp in Florida. The next few weeks promise to be just as busy as the previous ones.

Please keep the JH ministry in your prayers. We're having a great time building relationships with new students and learning where they are in their spiritual lives. One day I'll get back to posting a bit more regularly, but no promises.

1 comment:

Screaming Pirate said...

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend at camp. we had a prayer meeting last night and are just stoked to have you. And It looks like your stuck riding, with me on the way to the camp. Get ready to get the "treatment". Be afraid.. be very afraid.