A Long Journey

Sunday, June 03, 2007

After many miles and multiple stops, we made it to Mobile on our cross country journey. We had a great time taking some extra days to travel and see friends and relatives along the path. We've been in Mobile for a week now and the chaos is starting to subside a bit. Most of our belongings are unpacked and relatively close to where they will stay in our house. The final 20% of unpacking seems to take the longest, hanging pictures, curtains, etc.

i leave for Youth Camp bright and early in the morning. This will be my first official week of duty for the Student Ministry here at Christ Fellowship. Nothing like jumping right in! We are teaming with some other churches and meeting in Black Mountain, NC for camp. Providentially, we are not the lead church on the camp so most of the admin load has been shouldered by other men, I'm praising the Lord for that right now! It feels really weird going to a camp and knowing very little about how things operate. I do pray that this is a very relational time for me as I have the opportunity to spend time with the students and the leaders. Camp is a great time for building relationships that serve the ministry all year long.

I'll be back next Saturday night and starting the following week, I should be able to post more regularly.

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