sweet home alabama

Monday, April 16, 2007

I was raised in southern Alabama. i never really thought that I'd move away from the south. I thought maybe something crazy one day, like TN. Through a series of events and relationships, we ended up moving to Southern California to attend the Master's Seminary. To my great surprise, we have really enjoyed living in LA. This summer marks 6 years in the sunny state. I've had the privilege of serving as the Jr. High Pastor and an elder at Grace Church. This experience has been refining, challenging, encouraging and revealing of my own need for growth. I have often thought that ministry can't possible get any better than what we have in Jr. High. We have the privilege of serving with a team of godly and awesome volunteers. I've loved every minute of ministry here. The time has come now for a new chapter in ministry and life. Mindy and I are moving back to Alabama to serve at Christ Fellowship Baptist Church. I can't believe that we're actually going to leave. I know it will be surreal when we actually pull away. It's a privilege to go back home to serve with the people who sent us away 6 years ago. While I'm sad about leaving Grace, we are very excited about the opportunity that awaits us in the mother land. I'll be an Associate Pastor giving direction to Children's Ministry, Student Ministry and the Young Married Ministry. We're excited about the opportunity yet obviously very sad to leave so many close friends and ministry partners here. It is really cool to be going back home to do ministry. My parents are only a few minutes away, the HS I graduated is just down the street, we know the town, which is unique. Sorry for some of you who are receiving this information via blog post. Although if you really know me well, you're not surprised at all. We'd appreciate your prayers as we seek to transition well to the new post that God has for us.

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