In the Study

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I love to study. There is nothing better than breaking out all your books, bible in hand, a fine pen and a quality cup of coffee. Study is fun. Yet, I so often find myself distracted by so many things that don’t really matter. I truly believe that the pastor’s top priorities must be the Word and Prayer. I was recently looking at some prints of some of the great men of church history. As I looked at a couple of pics of Spurgeon in his library, I was struck by the lack of something in his library – and it certainly wasn’t missing books. On Spurgeon’s desk there was no computer, no telephone, no cell phone and no ipod. We have the beauty of information readily available to us but we also live with the curse of having our time so fragmented that we never accomplish anything. If you are in ministry, I would encourage you to look at your calendar and ask yourself if the two top pastoral priorities are reflected in your schedule.


Joy Escen said...

Great reminder Allen. Now is picture editting software considered a distraction?

Allen said...

not as long as you are working on pictures from church history.

Paul Lamey said...

That's great stuff Allen and the pic ain't so bad either. To combat ipod-cell-email disorder I spend at least one full day away from my "normal" office and devote the entire day to "unmixed" study (from sun up to sun down). That day makes my other days look paltry.

Tell Mindy congrats on LSU's defeat of Duke(dook).

The Bishop said...

Great thoughts. The only problem is that an absence of things to look at is not deterrent for me. You yourself know that I could easily spend an entire day just looking at the wall.

Adam Bailie said...

You're killing me with this Biblical repsonsibility stuff, bro. Man!



Allen said...

Adam - I have observed you spending the better part of more than one day in a blank stare at a blank wall. The only thing more hopeless than that is the fact that I was watching to see how long you could actually stare at the wall. Wow, we're hopeless.